Landfill Operation

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Landfill Operation


Using modern principles of landfill operation

Operating landfills in an ordered and structured way for minimizing negative impacts on environment and people follows some basic principles and rules and needs a certain input and availability of resources – human resources, financial resources and knowledge and skills.

Municipalities in the past had difficulties to assure the necessary resources. This resulted in dumpsites and badly operated landfills, creating a lot of problems for environment and people.

The landfills owned by our company operate in a structured and ordered manner and assure full control over the type of waste that is delivered and the quantities that are delivered by the different municipalities. The following principles and rules apply for all landfills that are fully rehabilitated until now:

  • Minimum two staff are permanently present on the landfill: a receptionist  and a caterpillar driver
  • Each truck is controlled – type of waste and quantity are registered and communicated regularly to the central office
  • All data are registered in the central database for having exact evidence
  • Waste is covered on a daily basis with soil
  • The area of the landfill and its surroundings are cleaned regularly of waste blown away by wind


Terjola Landfill – For each truck that arrives the following information is registered: Origin, type of truck, type of waste, quantity (cubic meters), weight (tons), time.


The registered information is communicated regularly to the head office in Tbilisi and entered in the central database.


Samtredia Landfill – The waste is covered daily with soil. In this way waste blown away by wind is minimized, less birds are attracted, and even in summer time there is minimum spreading of smell.


If necessary, surroundings of landfills are cleaned up regularly.