ჩვენი საქმე და ძირითადი სფეროები
ჩვენ ვცვლით ნარჩენების განთავსების სიტემას საქართველოში
2012 წელს,ახალ საკანონმდებლო ჩარჩოზე დაყრდნობით, შეიქმნა საქართველოს მყარი ნარჩენების მართვის კომპანია და მის მთავარ ამოცანად მომდევნო წლებში საქართველოში ნარჩენების მართვის სისტემის გაუმჯობესება განისაზღვრა. კომპანიის 2020-2025 წლების სტრატეგია აღწერს მომდევნო წლების განმავლობაში თუ როგორ შეიცვლება საქართველოში ნარჩენების მართვის სისტემა . ,,საქართველოს მყარი ნარჩენების მართვის კომპანიის’’ მმართველობაში არსებულ 54 მუნიციპალურ ნაგავსაყრელს მომდევნო წლებში 8 საერთაშორისო სტანდარტების შესაბამისი ახალი, რეგიონული სანიტარული ნაგავსაყრელების ქსელური სისტემა ჩაანაცვლებს. ახალი, რეგიონული სანიტარული ნაგავსაყრელები საქართველოს მასშტაბით ყველა რეგიონს მოემსახურება(ქ.თბილისისა და აჭარის ავტონომიური რესპუბლიკის გარდა).
ჩვენ უზრუნველვყოფთ არსებული მუნიციპალური ნაგავსაყრელების რეაბილიტაციას
კომპანიის პრიორიტეტი არსებული მუნიციპალური ნაგავსაყრელების რეაბილიტაცია და/ან მათი ეტაპობრივი დახურვაა. 2013 წლიდან 54 ნაგავსაყრელიდან რეაბილიტაცია ჩაუტარდა 31 ნაგავსაყრელს ((იხილეთ ჩამონათვალი)) . რეაბილიტირებული ნაგავსაყრელები უზრუნველყოფენ ნარჩენების კონტროლირებად განთავსებას იქამდე, სანამ ექსპლუატაციაში შევა ახალი, თანამედროვე საერთაშორისო სტანდარტების შესაბამისი რეგიონული სანიტარული ნაგავსაყრელები. სარეაბილიტაციო სამუშაოები აქ სქემის მიხევით ხორციელდება.
ჩვენ ვხურავთ მუნიციპალურ ნაგავსაყრელებს
ამ ეტაპისთვის სტანდარტების შესაბამისად დაიხურა 23 მუნიციპალური ნაგავსაყრელი.ნაგავსაყრელების დახურვა მიჰყვება მთავარ გეგმას. აღნიშნული გეგმა ითვალისწინებს ნარჩენების მართვის სიტემის დახვეწას და მასში მოიცავს სხვადასხვა ფაქტორს, როგორიცაა: ტერიტორიაზე ნარჩენების მოსალოდნელი რაოდენობის განსაზღვრა მომავალი 5 – 10 წლის განმავლობაში; უახლოესი რეაბილიტირებული ნაგავსაყრელის ადგილმდებარეობისა და მოცულობის განსაზღვრა; თანაბარი ძალისხმევა და რესურსებია საჭირო, როგორც მუნიციპალური ნაგავსაყრელის კეთილმოწყობისთვის, ასევე, დაგროვილი ნარჩენის უახლოეს რეაბილიტირებულ ან ახალ ნაგავსაყრელზე დროული ტრანსპორტირებისთვის.
ჩვენ ვმართავთ მუნიციპალურ ნაგავსაყრელებს
54 მუნიციპალურ ნაგავსაყრელს ყოველდღიურად კომპანიის 277 რეგიონული თანამშრომელი მართავს. მათ პასუხისმგებლობაში შედის : ექსპლუატაციაში მყოფ ნაგავსაყრელებზე ნარჩენების მიწით რეგულარული გადაფარვის უზრუნველყოფა; ნაგავსაყრელსა და მის მიმდებარე ტერიტორიაზე სისუფთავის შენარჩუნება; ნაგავსაყრელზე მიღებული ნარჩენის ტიპისა და რაოდენობის შესახებ არსებული ინფორმაციის ცენტრალური ოფისისთვის ოპერატიულად მიწოდება. ასევე, მათ ევალებათ დახურული ნაგავსაყრელების რეგულარული მონიტორინგი.
ჩვენ ავაშენებთ ახალ რეგიონულ სანიტარულ ნაგავსაყრელებს
ახალი, რეგიონული სანიტარული ნაგავსაყრელებისა და გადამტვირთი სადგურების მოწყობა, სამომავლოდ უზრუნველყოფს, საქართველოში მყარი ნარჩენების სრულად ინტეგრირებული მართვის სისტემის ჩამოყალიბებას. ევროდირექტივების თანახმად, ნარჩენების განცალკევება და გადამუშავება ძალაში შევა 2019 წლიდან. მიმდინარე პროექტებს შორის კომპანია ახორციელებს პროექტებს, რომელიც ითვალისწინებს საქართველოს რეგიონებში ახალი, ევროსტანდარტების შესაბამისი რეგიონული სანიტარული ნაგავსაყრელების მშენებლობას: 1) იმერეთი, რაჭა-ლეჩხუმი და ქვემო სვანეთი; 2) ქვემო ქართლი; 3), კახეთი და სამეგრელოს პროექტეები (ამ ეტაპზე პროექტის ფარგლებში მიმდინარეობს ტექნიკურ ეკონომიკური კვლევა)
New Legal Framework
Legal background
Until march 2012, collection and transportation, as well as disposal of household waste and taking care of disposal sites, was under the competence of local self government. In accordance with the amendment made to the article 16 of, 2012 16 march №5857 Georgian organic law on local self government, responsibility of the local government has been limited to household waste collection works and planning and organizing of municipal purchases necessary for the above mentioned process.
In accordance with the amendment made to the same law on May 1, 2012, competence of managing and constructing of waste disposal sites (municipal landfills) has been transferred to executive branch of the state, in particular: the ministry of economy and sustainable development was tasked, in compliance with the defined rule and by the way of privatization of state property, to establish a private legal entity and to transfer the right to manage 100% of its shares to the ministry of regional development and infrastructure. Based on the above mentioned changes following legal acts were issued:
- 2012, April 24 №1-1/1045 decree of ministry of economy and sustainable development on “The establishment of Limited liability company Solid Waste Management Company of Georgia”
- 2012, May 10 №10/05/02 presidential ordinance “On transferring the right to manage 100% of the shares of Limited liability company Solid Waste Management Company of Georgia, in form of direct transfer, to the ministry of regional development and infrastructure”
- 2012, May 14 №894 ordinance of the government of Georgia
- 2012, June 8 №1093 ordinance of the government of Georgia and other individual legal acts
Based on the 2012, April 24 №1-1/1045 1045 decree of ministry of economy and sustainable development, Solid Waste Management Company of Georgia was created which manages solid waste municipal landfills on national level (except Ajara and Tbilisi).
With 2012, May 10 №10/05/02 presidential ordinance, the right to manage the 100% shares of Limited liability company Solid Waste Management Company of Georgia, in form of direct transfer, was given to the ministry of regional development and infrastructure.
On this stage, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resource Protection, along with other stakeholders is working on the legal framework of waste management. Creation of the above mentioned legal basis, will ensure proper regulation of number of problematic issues existing in the field of waste management and will deal with instances of different norm inconsistencies.
Typical rehabilitation scheme
- Arranging, compacting and covering old waste with insulation layers of clay soil
- Creating a new infrastructure (access roads, control points, weighing bridges, premises, fence, water drainage systems)
- Creation of a system of soil deposits which will be used successively for daily coverage of waste with soil
- Assignment of staff and provision of machinery (caterpillar, compactor etc.)
The following 28 municipal landfills have been rehabilitated:
Samtredia, Terjola, Kutaisi, Sachkhere
Dedoplistskaro, telavi, sagarejo, Lagodekhi, Tsnori
Samegrelo – Zemo Svaneti:
Zugdidi, Poti
Ozurgeti, Chokhatauri
Shida Kartli:
Khashuri, Gori, Kaspi
Kvemo Kartli:
Rustavi, Marneuli, Dmanisi, Bolnisi
Aspinza, Akhaltsikhe, Ninotsminda
Oni, Ambrolauri
Tianeti, Dusheti, Stephantsminda
National Waste Management Strategy 2014 – 2024
waste – means any substance or object which the holder discards or intends or is required to discard. household waste – means waste generated from families.
municipal waste – means household waste, as well as other waste which, because of its nature or composition, is similar to household waste
liquid waste – means any waste in liquid form
medical (healthcare) waste – means any waste produced by medical institutions, medical laboratories, medical research centres, nursing institutions and veterinary clinics and pharmaceutical industries and warehouses
animal waste – means waste associated with animals (such as animal bodies, or parts of animal bodies manure, meat production waste, animal testing waste and etc.)
specific waste – means those types of waste arising from products, which in view of their nature and wide spreading when become waste require particular management measures and special care (such as packaging, oils, tyres, motor vehicles, batteries, accumulators and electric and electronic equipment and etc.);
waste holder – means the producer of the waste or the natural or legal person who is in possession of it
waste producer – means anyone whose activities produce waste (original waste producer) or anyone who carries out pre-treatment, mixing or other operations resulting in a change in the nature or composition of this waste
waste transporter – means any natural or legal person carrying out transport of waste
waste management – means the collection, temporary storage, pre-treatment, transport, recovery and disposal of waste, including the supervision of such operations and the after-care of disposal sites
waste treatment – means recovery or disposal measures according to Annex I and II, including pre-treatment prior to recovery or disposal;
pre-treatment of waste – means preliminary operations prior to recovery or disposal, including pre-processing such as dismantling, sorting, crushing, compacting, pelletising, drying, shredding, repackaging, separating or mixing etc
recovery – means any activity the principal result of which is waste serving a useful purpose by replacing other materials which would otherwise have been used to fulfil a particular function as listed in Annex I of this law, but not limited to it. Recovery includes recycling
re-use – means re-use of products and/or components before they become waste for the same purpose for which they were conceived
recycling – means any recovery operation by which waste materials are reprocessed into products, materials or substances whether for the original or other purposes. It includes the reprocessing of organic material but does not include energy recovery and the reprocessing into materials that are to be used as fuels or for backfilling operations
collection – means the gathering of waste, including the preliminary sorting and preliminary storage of waste for the purposes of transport to a waste treatment facility;
separate collection – means the collection where a waste stream is kept separately by type and nature so as to facilitate further treatment
transport – means the movement of waste to a waste storage and/or treatment facility
disposal – means any of the operations which listed, but not limited to, those listed below:
1) biological treatment
2) physic-chemical treatment
3) permanent storage (e.g. emplacement of containers in a mine, etc.)
4) deposit into or onto land (e.g. landfill)
5) soil treatment (e.g. biodegradation of liquid or sludgy discards in soils)
6) disposal on specially engineered landfill (e.g. placement into lined discrete cells which are capped and isolated from one another and the environment)
waste treatment facility – means a stationary or mobile technical or non-technical unit where waste treatment operations are carried out (including, waste transfer stations and the places where the facilities are located);
landfill – means a waste disposal facility for the deposit of the waste onto or into land.
waste incineration plant – means any stationary or mobile technical facility or equipment dedicated to the thermal treatment of waste, with or without recovery of the combustion heat generated, through the incineration by oxidation of waste as well as other thermal treatment processes, such as pyrolysis, gasification or plasma process, if the substances resulting from the treatment are subsequently incinerated
waste transfer station – means facilities where waste is reloaded for further transport to waste treatment facilities
composting – means a biological process during which, with the help of micro organisms, organic waste is dissolved and transformed into organic fertilizer compost
1. analysis of the existing situation
Resolution/regulation of the waste management issue on the scale of the whole country is a challenge of national as well regional and local importance. In this regard, in recent years, many important steps were taken by the agencies responsible for waste management.
Several big infrastructural projects were undertaken. As a result of these projects new solid household landfills in compliance with European standards were opened in Tbilisi and Rustavi and the process of closing of old landfill and construction of new sanitary landfill is ongoing in Borjomi.
According to the national action plan of sanitary landfills developed within the framework of financial cooperation between Germany and Georgia, it is reasonable to discuss the issue of construction of new sanitary landfills in regional context. Hence, the strategic goal of Ltd SWMCG is to develop a network of regional sanitary landfills and appropriate number of waste transport stations linked with these landfills on a national level.
It is planned to construct/build modern regional sanitary landfills in the regions of Imereti, Racha-Lechkhumi and Kvemo Svaneti and Kvemo Kartli. Negotiations with international financial institutions are ongoing with regard to the issue of funding of infrastructural projects of new regional sanitary landfills in the regions of Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti, Shida Kartli, Mtskheta Mtianeti and Kakheti.
It also should be taken into consideration that achieving the European standards for sanitary landfills on national level is linked to considerably long time term. Thus, the goal of improving of existing situation on landfills is on the company’s agenda. Smooth operation of landfills on the other hand means/includes implementation of controlled and organized system of waste receiving/accepting and disposal, formation of the body of the polygon for disorganizedly disposed/stored waste and its coverage with isolating layer, management of surface and waste waters, taking the measures of preventing possible fires and landfills gasses (?), conduct of fencing works, control of waste movement, creation and maintenance of inner roads, carrying out of coast (?) protection activities etc.
Waste represents an important ecological problem in Georgia. Even to this day it is a source of pollution for eco-system and has a harmful influence on human health. In addition, existing practice of waste disposal, especially in regions and non-urban areas, means the disposal of waste on uncontrolled/non-official landfills, such as nearby canyons, roadsides and on the bank of the river, with negligence of sanitary and safety rules/norms. Moreover, along with household waste industrial, construction, medical, biological, agricultural and other types of waste would usually go to polygons.
Currently, majority of landfills are not in line with european standards and do not meet the requirements provisioned by international directives. Harmful/ negative effect of existing landfills on the environment is due to absence of runoff (drainage maybe?) system (?) for gasses, stream (?) and leakage (?) waters on old landfills. In most cases polygons were not fenced and controlled. Hence, the qualitative-quantitative recording of waste did not occur. The absence of practice of waste pressing or coverage presented a serious threat of spread of infectious disease.
For years the main obstacle for the development of household solid waste was the lack of funding. The issue of low level of awareness of population, non-existence of a single/unified legal base for the regulation of solid waste management and lack of human resources equipped with appropriate technical qualifications is still a problem in the country.
1.1 social and environmental aspects of solid waste impact
Until recently, waste management was one of the most neglected sectors in Georgia and it requires important and serious reforms. Despite the fact that some actions are taken to solve the problem of waste collection and disposal, due to waste disposal on natural landfills, pollution of the environment is still an urgent problem. The main reason for the pollution of environment with uncontrollably scattered household waste is the collection system of this waste. However, it should be noted that in order to develop the complete system of waste management in Georgia, it is necessary to raise the awareness of population, ensure their participation and creation of certain rules/code of actions in regards to waste.
Risk for human health: sharp, toxic and infected objects, waste water and gas emissions existing on the landfills are special risk factors for human health. It is necessary to define clear safety norms and regulation to avoid this threat. Personnel working on the polygon should be appropriately equipped and informed. Creation of smooth waste management system means the construction of landfills in line with modern standards and equipped with gas and leakage water management systems, which as a result will decrease the risk of negative effect on human health to a minimum.
Minimization of smell: Smell existing on and around the territory of a landfill is one of the most unpleasant factors for the population. In long term perspective for the minimization of smell it is necessary to decrease the fraction organic waste within the total amount of waste as well implementation of leakage water and gas management systems. In order to solve this problem waste should be regularly covered with land using special equipment/technique/machinery.
Noise distribution reduction: To reduce the discomfort caused by the noise it is possible to design specific working schedules for waste transporting cars/machinery. This issue is essential for the population living in proximity of the landfill
Unofficial landfills: In Georgia, unofficial landfills are located on riverbeds and territories laying near cities and densely populated villages. Resulting insanitary is the source of spread of various types of infections, which of course is a threat to human health, especially during hot season of the year. Above mentioned problem is a result of shortcomings of collection and transportation. which currently exist in waste management field
So called Waste scavengers (?): These are people who gain economic benefit from waste. Range of their activity is near waste containers and landfills. Modern landfill operation system limits such type of activity. Hence, company should encourage the perspective of employing on landfills people who lack economic benefits.
2. Ltd Solid Waste Management Company of Georgia
With the purpose of improving complicated state of waste management in Georgia, ministry of regional development and infrastructure created a new company under the name Solid Waste Management Company of Georgia (referred to as Company hereafter). The aim of its creation is to manage municipal landfills existing in the regions of Georgia.
Company is analogous to those organizations with the same profile which exist in other countries, where the waste management has systematic/centralized character and is done by single organization. Company aims to contribute to the creation of single effective waste management system. Company’s area of operation includes regions of Georgia, currently the company has 52 solid household waste landfills under its jurisdiction (total area 1 786 190 square meters). Jurisdiction of the company does not cover landfills located in Tbilisi and Autonomous republic of Adjara.
Closure of current acting landfills is linked with substantial investments. In this direction company’s activities also foresee its close cooperation with international donor organizations and financial institutions in order to attract funding.
2.1 Legal background of company’s creation
Until march 2012, collection and transportation, as well as disposal of household waste and taking care of disposal sites, was under the competence of local self government. In accordance with the amendment made to the article 16 of, 2012 16 march №5857 Georgian organic law on local self government, responsibility of the local government has been limited to household waste collection works and planning and organizing of municipal purchases necessary for the above mentioned process.
In accordance with the amendment made to the same law on May 1, 2012, competence of managing and constructing of waste disposal sites (municipal landfills) has been transferred to executive branch of the state, in particular: the ministry of economy and sustainable development was tasked, in compliance with the defined rule and by the way of privatization of state property, to establish a private legal entity and to transfer the right to manage 100% of its shares to the ministry of regional development and infrastructure.
Based on the above mentioned changes following legal acts were issued:
a) 2012, April 24 №1-1/1045 decree of ministry of economy and sustainable development on “The establishment of Limited liability company Solid Waste Management Company of Georgia”
b) 2012, May 10 №10/05/02 presidential ordinance “On transferring the right to manage 100% of the shares of Limited liability company Solid Waste Management Company of Georgia, in form of direct transfer, to the ministry of regional development and infrastructure”
c) 2012, May 14 №894 ordinance of the government of Georgia
d) 2012, June 8 №1093 ordinance of the government of Georgia and other individual legal acts
Based on the 2012, April 24 №1-1/1045 1045 decree of ministry of economy and sustainable development, Solid waste management company of Georgia was created which manages solid waste municipal landfills on national level (except Ajara and Tbilisi)
With 2012, May 10 №10/05/02 presidential ordinance, the right to manage the 100% shares of Limited liability company Solid Waste Management Company of Georgia, in form of direct transfer, was given to the ministry of regional development and infrastructure.
On this stage, Ministry of environment and natural resource protection, along with other stakeholders is working on the legal framework of waste management. Creation of the above mentioned legal basis, will ensure proper regulation of number of problematic issues existing in the field of waste management and will deal with instances of different norm inconsistencies.
Company, during the fulfillment of its duty is guided by the directives adopted by the EU:
• waste directive of council of Europe (I think they mean European Council) 2008/98/EC
o Article 14 of this directive provisions the mechanism of recovery of the costs of waste management in accordance with the “polluter-pays” principle
• landfill directive of Council of Europe (again European Council I guess) 1999/31/EC which provisions following issues:
o development of landfill compulsory condition rule
o development of monitoring and control procedures regarding the landfill operation and maintenance after its closure
o development of capabilities for reimbursement of operating and closure and subsequent maintenance costs of landfill
o development of permit issuing and waste receiving systems on the landfill
2.2 Organizational structure of the company and management
2.2.1 leadership/management of the company
The management of the company is based on a vertical organizational structure which is lead by a director. He/she defines its economic-financial, programmatic and organization-structural directions and acts as an overall leader of the company. Minister of regional development and infrastructure appoints and sacks the director. Three deputies of the director are heading different directions of the company’s activities. In accordance with their respective competencies deputies deal with financial and administrative issues, technical, project management and strategic as well as regional issues.
Company fulfills its mission with its structural units, subdivisions and territorial (I guess regional) offices.
2.2.2 Regional offices of the company
For the purpose of efficient management of waste company has nine functioning offices (Ambrolauri, Rustavi, Akhaltsikhe, Gori, Mtskheta, Zugdidi, Ozurgeti, Kutaisi and Telavi). Regional offices are staffed with regional coordinators and operators of polygons.
2.3 Funding of the company
On this stage company has several basic funding sources:
• Funding from the state budget
• Funding from donor organizations and international financial institutions
• Its own revenue/income
budgetary funding in 2012 equaled 750 000 GEL. In 2013 after shift of the government it was drastically increased and equaled 12 million. Due to its successful operation additional 10 million were allocated from state budget.
Funding from international donor organizations (SIDA, USAID, EU and others) is gradually increasing. Grant funding is mainly aimed to help technical component of the company. Technical help on its own means capacity building of the company.
Large infrastructural projects are financed with preferential loans received from international financial institutions. KfW is funding Imereti Integrated Solid Waste Management project with 20 Million EUR, project aims to build sanitary landfills in the regions of Imereti and Racha-Leckhkhumi in compliance with European standards. Loan of 10 million EUR taken from EBRD funds solid waste management program of Kvemo Kartli. Above mentioned project foresees the construction of a new sanitary landfill in the region of Kvemo Kartli.
Payments received for the services of waste disposal on landfills is the source of income for the company. Due to the fact that municipal companies dispose waste on the landfills mostly without paying, the share of company’s own revenues in overall funding is minimal (it is just the least)
2.4 Mission of the company
For the purpose of reducing adverse/negative effects of waste treatment/recycling and waste disposal on human health, implementation of high standards of solid household waste management and the creation of proper operating systems in compliance with safety norms for sanitary regional landfill population and eco systems.
2.5 Vision of the company
For the year 2024 Ltd SWMCG will ensure:
➢ The development of ecologically, financially, normatively and economically proper solid household waste polygon management system on a regional scale
➢ Construction of modern sanitary regional landfills in line with European Standards
➢ Closure of existing landfills in compliance with European standards and ensuring the monitoring of its maintenance afterwards
➢ By the way of proper operating, reducing the level of negative effect of solid household waste management on environment pollution and human health
➢ Implementation of advanced technologies in the field of solid waste management (including the practice of household waste separation and recycling) on a national level
➢ Raising the awareness of population regarding solid household waste management and contributing to the involvement of the population in the process of management
➢ Establishment of effective organizational structure based on efficient management system and strong material-technical and human resources
➢ Development of effective communication system between stakeholders (state and local structures, private, non-governmental and international organizations, local population) linked with issues of Solid waste management
➢ Along with state funding, search for additional financial resources for the purpose of developing self-sufficient financial system,
2.6 Activities of the company
To fulfill functions and aims foreseen by the law company is authorized to:
➢ Participate in the development of long term programs and priority directions relating to solid waste management field and realize them within the framework of its competence
➢ Organize, manage, monitor and control solid household waste landfills on a national level (except Tbilisi and Ajara)
➢ In the field of solid waste management, within its competence, fulfillment of obligations foreseen by those international agreements of which Georgia is part of
➢ Carry out measures and plan activities purpose of which is to reduce the negative effect management of landfills has on environment and human health
➢ Attract investments and organize proper/targeted spending of funds necessary for polygon maintenance, reconstruction-modernization, rehabilitation and repairing
➢ Operate and manage existing solid household waste landfills owned by the company (excluding Tbilisi and Ajara)
➢ Plan measures linked with sanitary state of existing household waste polygons and safety norm protection
➢ Implement projects of constructing new regional solid household waste polygons in compliance with european union standards
➢ Close landfill polygons which do not meet the requirements of international and safety norms necessary for such buildings
2.7 Interested parties/stakeholders
During the fulfillment of its duties, company closely cooperates with various governmental agencies and local authorities.
Ministry of regional development and infrastructure develops solid waste management policy and ensures its execution/implementation. Ministry is the ruling body of the company and holds the company accountable.
The Ministry of Environment and natural resources is responsible for determining/defining single national strategy and policy in the field of waste management.
During the fulfillment of the company’s aims, it is important to underline the role of ministry of economy and sustainable development for mutual cooperation. Ministry under its competence issues permits for construction, which are necessary for the company to build new landfills
Ministry of finance on its own is a mediator, in financial issues between international financial institutions and the company.
On national level ministry of labor and healthcare defines sanitary-hygienic norms and rules, epidemiologic control measures, on which the company relies upon during fulfillment of its duties.
Concerning Georgian local authorities, company tightly cooperates with them in the process of activity organization and implementation. In accordance with the code of local self-government collection and transportation of waste is the competence of local self-governmental bodies. Local bodies such as municipalities, Gamgeoba’s and other, are one of the most important stakeholders in the process of waste management implementation.
Company also cooperates with various environmental non-governmental organizations in sphere of public relations and awareness raising.
2.8 SWOT analysis
➢ political and financial support from the government – Waste management oriented on human health and environment protection is one of the governments priorities. Hence the state has a principle role to play in ensuring the development of waste management system. Special interest and politico-financial support in above mentioned direction from government’s side is obvious. Ministry of regional development and infrastructure defined the aim to reduce negative effective of solid household waste as a priority and solid waste management company of Georgia was established with budgetary funds. At the same time Georgian government ensured increase in budgetary funding. Support of government can be felt in terms of company’s relationship with international financial organizations and donors
➢ Establishment of SWMCG – creation of the company is a step forward in the field of waste management, taking into consideration current situation of solid household waste management, company is an effective tool for improving the management system. At this stage centralized form of landfill management is a tool for the formation of single/unified vision of the system’s development, which in its own turn is one of the prerequisites for the development of solid waste management system. Company is implementing infrastructural as well as capacity building oriented projects and programs
➢ Political will of implementation of European standards – It is a principal goal to implement waste management system which will be in compliance with European standards. For the implementation of modern standards it is especially important to find foreign partners so that international experience can be shared and used. In this direction company actively develops cooperation with donor organizations, international financial institutions, governments of European countries, European Union etc. Various governmental agencies, within the framework of their competences are directly involved in the processes of cooperation with different donor and international financial organizations
➢ Absence of single integrated waste management system – Effective, environmentally oriented waste management system means joint actions of different stakeholders (state structures, municipalities, private sector, non-governmental sector and citizens) based on common vision. Practice existing before the creation of the company was based on the disorganized management of waste by the local municipal units/entities.
➢ Absence of waste recycling technologies – Practice existing in Georgia did not foresee the determination of types of waste, its sorting and further recycling. Hence biggest part of produced waste ends up on landfill contradicting with international practice, according to which only unrecyclable waste should be disposed on landfill
➢ Incomplete legal base – Single waste management regulating legislation does not exist. management of solid household waste is regulated by legal requirements scattered in different laws and by-laws. Majority of by-laws contradicts the reality (for example, number of responsible agencies are abolished/canceled), there is no waste management legal framework
➢ Raising of awareness of the population regarding waste management issues – The level of awareness among citizens regarding waste management issues is low, which can be seen as one of the hindering factors for the development of modernized waste management system
➢ Low social level of the society – To gradually reduce the share of government subsidies in its funding, company has the task to impose certain payments (taxes). Difficult social situation in which people in the regions live will certainly affect their solvency and hence is a (Note: here the text abruptly ends with no clear conclusion)
➢ Interest from the side of international community to cooperate in the field of waste management – In this regard cooperation within the framework of association agreement between EU and Georgia is an important step forward. EU-Georgia association agreement foresees the implementation of complex waste management system and introduction of stricter rules/standards
➢ Reduction of number of landfills (gradual closure) – To reduce negative effect on population it is recommended to close landfills after new sanitary and modernized ones are built, this will be done by the company within the framework of respective infrastructural programs and projects
➢ Establishment of landfills in compliance with EU standards – Waste management system oriented on human security and environmental protection means the construction of new landfills in line with Euro standards. Company aims to build sanitary landfills according to a regional principle
➢ Raising the awareness of the population – Appropriate waste management system means properly informed society. For this goal, company, within respective projects will implement awareness campaigns and public events linked to specific issues of waste management.
➢ Motivating private sector and its involvement in waste management processes – Significant part of waste generated in Georgia is produced by private sector and facilities/enterprises. Hence, taking into consideration the principles of polluter-pays and broadened/advanced responsibility of entrepreneurs, involvement of private sector is especially important.
➢ Perspective of waste re-use and development of market of secondary raw materials – Waste disposed on landfills in Georgia is a valuable source of secondary raw materials. Company plans to develop this direction and implement relevant projects to utilize existing potential
➢ Weakening of political support – Solid waste management issue might lose its importance on governmental level, it might be reevaluated and become less of a priority, which on its own turn will cause weakening of governmental support.
➢ Reduction/termination of funding – If the company fails to reduce governmental subsidies by finding alternative sources of funding/revenues it is expected/possible that along with the reduction of political support funding will be terminated or reduced.
➢ Potential high risk for health of citizens and staff living near and working on the polygon – landfills have negative influence on conditions of nearby territories, soil, air, water are polluted and that is a threat to staff of the landfill and citizens living nearby
➢ High ecological risks linked with existing landfills – disorganized waste disposed on unofficial landfills and leakage waters pollute soil and surface waters with organic pollutants such as metals, salt and others; Methane emission occurs and pollutes air.
3. Company goals
3.1 Short term (0-5 year period) goals
• Broadening of certain landfills and gradual ceasing of operation with the aim to close them
• Starting gradual closure of landfills
• Improving the procedures of waste receiving on landfills
• Improvement of landfills owned by the company
• Implementation of management measures in accordance with environmental and social standards (level of influence on environment, labor safety and human health, including technical and infrastructural measures)
• Management measures of Kutaisi, Borjomi and Marneuli landfills in line with European standards
• To study the possibility of gas collection on landfills
• To determine quantity of new regional landfills and transportation stations
• Closure of high risk landfills and constant monitoring of officially closed landfills
• Creation of database of waste disposed on landfill
• Establishing effective system of cost recovery
• Improvement of company’s personnel qualifications including technical, economic, administrative and legal issues of waste management
• Cooperation with interested parties/stakeholders in order to contribute to the implementation of mechanisms of separation at source (support of “separation at source pilot projects), recycling and re-usage
• Participation in the process of development of legal acts within the framework of company’s competence
• Support of raising the awareness of population and decision makers
3.2 Long-term goals (5-10 year period)
• Construction of new regional sanitary landfills in all regions of Georgia
• Development of cost recovery effective system
• Development of controlling and monitoring system for new landfills
• Monitoring and control of landfills closed in accordance with European standards
• Evaluation of advisability of implementation of organic waste incineration (energy recovery)
• In case of existing potential production of gas on large or small scale
• Contribution to reduction of waste on landfills
• Achieving high level of re-usage and recycling of waste
• Full compliance with European Union standards in the field of waste management
• Contribute to high level of awareness of the population and decision makers
• Reduction of state subsidization by the way of finding alternative sources of funding
• By the way of cooperating with stakeholders contribute to practice of separation at source
3.3 Improvement of existing landfills
Based on strategic mission and vision, short term goal of the company is to reduce negative effect of landfills on environment, population and eco-systems.
Therefore company planned, implemented and conducts closure and improvement of landfill in 5 year term.
Until the end of 2014 it is planned to implement following projects:
• Improvement of Mtskheta household waste polygon
• Improvement of Zugdidi household waste polygon
• Fencing and installation of gates on Shida Kartli household waste landfills of Kaspi, Agara, Kareli and Khashuri
• Fencing and installation of gates on Kakheti household landfills of Gurjaani, Kvareli, Tsnori, Lagodekhi, Dedoplistskaro
• Fencing and installation of gates on household waste landfills of Imereti, Guria and Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti regions (Zemo Sviri, Terjola-Koxra territory, Opeti, Manchiori, Lanchkhuti, Martvili
• Improvement of Gori household waste polygon
• Improvement of Akhalsikhe household waste polygon
• Improvement of Telavi household waste polygon
• Improvement of Ambrolauri household waste polygon
• Improvement of Ozurgeti household waste polygon
• Improvement of Kutaisi household waste polygon
• Improvement of Sagarejo household waste polygon
• Improvement of Tsnori household waste polygon
• Improvement of Lagodekhi household waste polygon
• Improvement of Dusheti household waste polygon
• Improvement of Khashuri household waste polygon
• Improvement of Kaspi household waste polygon
• Improvement of Terjola household waste polygon
• Improvement of Samtredia household waste polygon
• Improvement of Sachkhere household waste polygon
• Improvement of Marneuli household waste polygon
• Improvement of Poti household waste polygon
3.4 Construction of new regional sanitary landfills
Company closely cooperates with international donor organizations as well as financial institutions and within the framework of this cooperation implements different important projects. Implementation of mentioned projects aims to create an integrated solid household waste management system safe for the environment.
Within the framework of international cooperation company is implementing several important projects, in particular:
• Kutaisi integrated solid waste management project foresees the construction of new regional landfill and the closure of an old one in period of 2014-2017. New landfill will also serve Racha-Lechkhumi and Kvemo Svaneti regins. Project is funded with resources provided by KfW, EU and state budget. Total cost of the project is 26 Million Euros (approximately 63 230 000 GEL) from which 20 million is KfW loan, 2 mil is EU grant and 4 million is budgetary funding. At this stage feasibility study has been conducted and all agreements to ensure funding have been signed and KfW is searching for project implementation consultants
• Project of waste management is ongoing in Kvemo Kartli Region. Cost of the project is 16 million Euros (approximately 38 910 000 GEL) from which 10 million is provided by EBRD loan, 4 million is EU grant, and 2 million is co-financed from the budget. Project aims to construct new regional sanitary landfill in line with international standards and closure of an old one. At this stage consultant (COWI) selected by EBRD is conducting feasibility study.
• Feasibility study necessary for the project of constructing new landfills in Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti and kakheti regions is ongoing. Project is funded with 800 000 Euros provided by KfW as a grant.
• USAID is implementing long term (2014-2017) project of solid waste management system ongoing in Kakheti and Ajara. It aims to strengthen municipal waste management systems of Kakheti and Ajara. This project is funded with a grant of 4 million USD. Consultant has been selected – ICMA
• Project of support and capacity building/strengthening for 2014-2017 integrated waste management system is ongoing. Within the project’s framework particular practices and methodologies will be adapted, creation of relevant platform to ensure proper communication between waste regulating agencies, creation of criteria for waste receiving, researching the potential for gas collection, development of appropriate waste management model for high mountainous regions (Kazbegi Municipality). Project is funded by SIDA grant of 13 Million Swedish Crones (approximately 3 390 000 GEL)
• For the purpose of defining gas collection potential on existing landfills, project in energy field is implemented (INOGATE) within the framework of EU’s technical cooperation program.
Within the framework of international cooperation it is planned to:
• Implement awareness campaigns and separation pilot project by UNDP and with the funding of SIDA
3.5 Implementation of waste recycling practices
➢ Necessity to implement recycling
Along with increase in world population issue waste management becomes more and more important. World’s leading countries are trying for decades to find solutions for this problem and are constantly developing new technologies in the field of waste management.
In 2006, representatives of more than 20 countries made a resolution in Tokyo, Japan, which obligates governments of participating countries and all interested parties to support the implementation of 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) initiative on local, regional and national levels as well as its popularization in world.
It is commonly considered that only waste which can not be the subject of recycling or can not be used in any other way is disposed on landfills.
➢ Existing situation in Georgia
Biggest part of waste generated in Georgia (approximately 99.97%) is disposed on landfills and not recycled
Aim of the company is to implement and support mastering of modern technologies in the field of waste management, separation of solid household waste, recycling, reuse of waste and implementation of practice of turning waste into energy on a national level
➢ Company’s activities in regard to implementation of recycling technology
With the help of government of Germany (via BMZ, KfW) company is implementing Kutaisi integrated solid waste management project, which aims to create safe environment for the creation of integrated system. Within the framework of this project it is planned to construct a facility necessary for sorting of recycled waste.
Within the framework of technical cooperation with EU (INOGATE), company is conducting the project of development and implementation of gas collection methodology.
Company also aims to raise public awareness about solid waste management, support public involvement and implementation of 3R principle.
Company systematically receives offers regarding recycling technologies from various companies of different countries. Hence the company works with the ministry and all interested parties on the development of expression of interest template/document, based on this document official expression of interest will be announced and technologies most relevant and beneficial for Georgia will be selected
3.6 Implementation of fees for disposal
Legal entities as well as individuals deliver all types of – excluding hazardous, radioactive, medical or military waste – household, non-hazardous and specific waste to the landfills operated by the company.
Only physical individuals and legal entities, collection of whose generated waste is not the responsibility of municipalities, pay disposal fees. Fees are determined in accordance with weight or volume of: 1) construction-inert waste and waste which does not have toxic or radioactive characteristics 2) household and solid waste of food products (expired or inedible) and 3) specific solid waste (for example waste containing Azbest (?))
In Western countries each of the waste producer pays fees due to commonly recognized polluter-pays principle. Cost of processes such as collection, transportation, disposal and treatment/recycling linked with waste management are taken into consideration while calculating these fees. Based on their operating expenses landfills and recycling/waste treatment facilities have assigned special gate/tipping fees. Taking into consideration existing social situation in Georgia, fees for above-mentioned services for regional population are minimal. Effective system for tax extraction does not exist because of which municipalities fail to collect fees. This direction is subsidized by the state budget. At this stage costs are not defined for municipalities and expenses of the company are financed by the state budget. In long term perspective it is planned to calculate fees for the disposal services. All waste deliverers, including municipalities, will pay disposal fees according to weight, volume, type or consistency of the waste.
3.7 Improvement of human resources qualifications
Existence of highly qualified human resources is extremely important for the process of implementation of modern standards in the field of solid waste management. Operation of new or remedied landfills and transportation stations requires qualified personnel. Therefore, based on the analysis of necessities company plans to implement the program of retraining and qualification improvement, which means training of staff in following directions: organizational-institutional and technical development, financial management, public relations/awareness raising
organizational-institutional direction includes training about organizational structures and procedures, overall and project management. Main topics of the training are following:
➢ General management: general skills of leadership and management, decision making process, planning-monitoring-evaluation, communication establishment, risk management, human resources management and motivation
➢ Project management: general principles and basics of project management, project management methodology, project management communication, project risk management, planning and financial control, computer programs of project management
➢ Procurement: methods, models, procedures, monitoring and control of international procurement, contract template development and management, FIDIC methodology
Technical management means equipping company staff with knowledge necessary to operate technical equipment-machinery, which first of all means getting appropriate theoretical knowledge about all processes of municipal waste management (waste generation, management, disposal, treatment and other.) Main components of the training are:
➢ Landfill operation, transportation stations, sorting facilities: types and design of landfills, waste isolation and disposal, natural and synthetic construction building/construction materials, reduction of pollutants, protection of grunt waters, industrial waste disposal, landfill operating methods and equipment, environmental issues – pathogenic bacteria, unpleasant smell, parasites and birds
➢ Landfill operation processes: sharing of modern experience and practice, implementation of solid waste management system, bio-chemical and physical processes of waste dissolution, processes affecting microbial fission, reduction/production of carbon dioxide, leakage water generation, heat generation, gas generation on landfills, interim and final closure of landfills
➢ Environmental emissions reduction/control: influence of solid waste management on environment, leakage water collection and management, gas collection, pollution of groundwater, damage to flora-fauna, threats of explosions, toxic substances, site research, management of leakage waters, gas incineration/utilization, collection and disposal
➢ Logistics: development of an effective model of transportation logistics, transportation station models and operation procedures, influence on environment and society, cost-effectiveness
➢ Recycling/reuse: recycling of valuable materials (paper/cardboard, plastic, metal and other.), recycling of solid waste and importance and benefits of reuse, recycling technologies, private sector involvement, and marketing
Financial management development means improvement of qualification in the field of financial operations, management of costs and revenues, management of planning of company finances and budget and investments. Main components of training are the following topics:
➢ Financial management: budget preparation/planning, keeping accounting records, preparation of an annual financial reports, making procurements, reporting, auditing and other
Development of public relations direction means the planning and implementation of campaigns and programs aimed at raising the level of awareness and perception. Main components of training are the following topics:
➢ PR campaigns
➢ Informational campaigns
3.8 Raising awareness and public relations
Population’s involvement is extremely important for solving solid waste management problems. For this it is necessary to raise the level of awareness regarding the structure of the above-mentioned field and vital issues, which is included by the system of generated waste management.
Informing the society can be done via implementing different activities. By conducting trainings about different topics, as well as by way of conducting information campaigns.
Societal involvement is one of the most determining factors for the effective functioning and implementation of country’s household waste management system based on international, modern principles
In this regard company implements and has planned different events, which will contribute to announced aims and goals. Ongoing and future important events are:
• Organization and conduct of cleaning activities on a regional scale
• Spread of information regarding negative effects of waste generation on human life and health and other adverse results as well as ensuring public access to this information
• Conducting of information campaigns regarding the necessity of waste generation reduction to raise public awareness
• Conducting educational large scale campaigns via media along with other interested parties/stakeholders, which means the spread of appropriate explanatory messages via advertisements, brochures, newspapers and other means supporting the improvement of waste management system and its further compliance with European standards
In the regard of public awareness and public relations, company plans various measures/events and closely cooperates with different state agencies, local self-governmental units, environmental non-governmental organizations and other stakeholders/interested parties
For the purpose of spreading the information company has its own website www.waste.gov.ge and facebook page www.facebookcom/SWMCGEORGIA.